Survival Food & Water...
Below are our articles on the subject of Survival Food & Water. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Eating Berries and Plants to Survive
The importance of being able to identify plants and berries which are edible and which are poisonous before eating wild foods in a survival situation. How you should…...

Filtering and Cleaning Water for Drinking
Methods of filtering and purifying water in a survival situation. Tips on how to identify the cleanest water to begin with and where it’s more likely to be harmful....

Find And Eat Insects and Small Creatures
How to track down and eat insects and other small animals if you’re faced with a survival situation and how many of them provide excellent nutritional value....

Finding Water Sources
How observing the wildlife and the surrounding environment is one of the best ways to pinpoint the best place to find water in a survival situation and how you can…...

Fishing for Survival
How to craft a hook or spear for fishing in a survival situation and designing a fish trap. How understanding fish behaviour will help you in your quest....

How Long Can You Survive Without Food?
The main factors which will affect how long you can survive without food. How to use the natural resources around you to sustain you in order to avoid starvation and…...

Hunting for Survival
How to devise a simple trap and snare to capture small birds and mammals for food in a survival situation. Learning where to set traps and the importance of not…...

Identifying Poisonous And Dangerous Foods
Common animals and plants to avoid eating when faced with a survival situation and the importance in learning what is and isn’t safe to eat....

Survival Cooking Methods
The different techniques you can adopt for cooking when faced with a survival situation when the relevant equipment is not available and how to prepare your food prior…...